What a joy it is today to specially welcome you to Uwem Ministries International , a lively congregation of God’s people. Our commission is to raise a new generation of champions who are passionate for God, winning in life and changing the world. Our vision is to be a growing community of worshippers and ministers from every tribe and tongue, taking the gospel of Jesus wherever we go.

Apostle Uwem Akpan., 
Senior Pastor, UMI.



What a joy it is today to specially welcome you to Uwem Ministries International, a lively congregation of God’s people. Our commission is to raise a new generation of champions who are passionate for God, winning in life and changing the world. Our vision is to be a growing community of worshippers and ministers from every tribe and tongue, taking the gospel of Jesus wherever we go.

If you are looking for a Pentecostal church where the undiluted Word is taught to empower you to excel in life and be all you can be; if you are searching for an environment that can nurture your faith to do the impossible; if your heart yearns for a fellowship that can draw you into deeper intimacy with God and help you to live in the light of eternity; if you are searching for an evangelical church that will equip you to change your world; if you are searching for where you will find the encouragement and platform to serve the Lord, then welcome to Uwem Ministries International.

Here, you will enjoy warm fellowship with the brethren and the personal care of our Apostle. And by His Sure Word, you will experience victory in every area of your life.

This is your Father’s house. Welcome home. We love you.

UWEM MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is Ministry connecting with other Ministries around the world to win souls for the Kingdom of God. Our first target was the Youth Ministries, now connecting with Ministers, Women, Children, Orphanages and organizations around the world Giving Hope, Healing and Meaningful Life to Families, Communities and Bodies of Christ. Uwem Ministries International was Officially Inaugurated in 2012.

A Mother, A Prophet, A Singer, A Writer, A Bible Teacher, An Evangelist, An Author, A Great Communicator, A Missionary, A Bridge Builder, A Philanthropist, A Business Woman and A Lover of Christ. Apostle Uwem Akpan is committed to healing of the Body, Soul and Spirit through her heart of Giving, Love, Compassion, Inspiration, Hope and Care. She Started An Orphanage Home Known as HopeLife Community And Family Services in Uganda during Her Missionary Trips in Uganda. HopeLife Family and Community Services has headquaters in Canada, serving communities Canadian Population.

She is more committed to preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, Inspiring the world with the unchanging Word of God, and impacting them with the Miraculous Power of the Holy Spirit! Apostle Uwem Akpan Has Written Books Outlining Her Journeys, Her Struggles, Her Life Experiences, Her Strengths, Her Coming Out and Her Victorious Journeys.

Website Information
Contact us: 
Email:info@uwemministries.org; uwemministriesinternational@gmail.com
Prayer Line: +1 866-253-4069


Our goal is to win lost souls for Christ, care for the needy, make the world to become disciples of Jesus Christ and Giving Hope, Healing and Meaningful Life to Families, Communities and Bodies of Christ.Our Dedication is to empower the Body of Christ with the Word of God through love, sharing, and giving.


Our Mission is to Build and Give Love, Care, Empathy, Kingdom Empowerment through Jesus Christ, and Meaningful Life Through The Word of God and Charity.


Our Vision is to share the word of God through Teaching the World to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, giving Charity, love, Hope, Healing and Meaningful Life to Families, Communities and Bodies of Christ.

Uwem Ministries Internationalis working our HopeLife Family and Community Services to help children across the world to reach their full potential by strengthening and modernizing children and youth services. www.hopelifefoundation.org.
Our Orphanage and Foster care

Hope life Family and Community Center is a Non-For-Profit
Organization giving Hope, Meaningful Life and Healing to Families and Communities

Our Foster parents provide care for a child on behalf of our Hopelife Family and Community Services.

Our Orphanages

Our HopeLife Family and Community Services is an Established Organization for Orphans, Youths and Community Development.
Our Young Orphanage Home is an establishment to bring light, family value, love, care, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, a better Future and Enlightenment to The Community where orphans are being empowered to move beyond painful struggles for Daily Living and it is located at Yinga City in Uganda.
We have 200 Orphans (Members) in our HopeLife Family Center, and our goals is to grow them in the love of God, bring enlightenment, development, affection, care and love to the community.
We have more than 200,000 Orphans still in need of same help, but we pray that the almighty hand of God strengthens us to do more in Jesus Name Amen

My goals for HopeLife Family Center are far different from Blessed Orphanage and cannot transfer my goals to them.
I believe and hope that one day, God will make a way for us

Public Relations

Public Relations
“Our Relationship with the world is a strategic towards building mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and the people around the world.

People Support Fund Raising
Our Mission for HopeLife Family and Community Services will require the organization to grow in innovative ways towards building Shelters, Homes, Schools, Facilities and Supplies towards becoming a sustaining organization support for individuals and their families over a lifetime. We do invest in the people, infrastructure and Services to operate as the best in a non-profit organization world.

Clean Water:
We have numerous reasons why poverty has become an epidemic in Africa. This Poverty is because of political instability, ethnic conflicts, climate change and other man-made causes.
Though we seem to overlook one of the greatest causes of poverty in Africa which is the lack of access to clean drinking water.
Billions of people in Africa do not have access to clean, safe water Our Cause is to build and supply clean water to poor communities in the world.

Hygienic Food and Good Supply
Poverty brings Hunger, and it is widespread across developing countries. Cost of Food is on the rise as a result the crises often occur in the poorest countries and communities in the most underdeveloped parts of the world. These Communities had to deal with health problems related to lack of food, like malnutrition in children etc. The world’s food supply is not the reason but limited access to food which is just natural.

“For decades, family farmers and communities around the world have resisted the destruction of their native seeds. They have worked hard to diversify their crops, protect their soil, conserve their water and forests, and establish local gardens, markets, businesses, and community-based food systems. There are tens of thousands of highly-productive, equitable, and sustainable alternatives to the present industrial practices and corporate monopolies holding the world’s food hostage, and literally millions of people working to advance these alternatives in this time of need. What is missing is the political will on the part of government, industry, and finance to support these alternatives. Our Ministry’s Goals and Objective to heal the world through food supplies for the hungry, healthcare and educational benefits”. 

The world food crisis: what is behind it and what we can do

Healthcare& Supplies

In the Poorest part of the world, people in poor health often have nothing to low incomes because of their health problems. They barely can’t afford to buy medications during health crises. Life expectancy seems to be in decline because of these and our ministry stepped in to provide health supplies, medicine, and pay hospital bills when need arises. Poor health can affect learning, and it’s related to person’s productivity and earnings; awareness has grown that investing in ways will improve access to healthcare pays off in areas beyond health outcomes.

Join Hands to Support Us

Our Ministries’ mission is to impact the world with Care, Love, The Word of God, Empathy, and  Provision of Shelter, Food, Amenities and Healthcare needs you and we plead with you to Donate and support of Cause towards giving Hope, Healing and meaningful life to Communities.

Please Click Donate Link to Support us


We receive the Bible as the sure word of God, the final authority on all issues of life and the standard for every doctrine.


We appropriate the righteousness of God in Christ and pledge to live a life that pleases Him.


We commit ourselves to creating an environment where people can experience the love of God as they love and care for one another.


We regard service as the proof of discipleship and welcome every opportunity to serve God and humanity.

We live by faith in God’s Word and teach everyone to do the same.

We celebrate potential and seek to empower the people in every way possible.

We pursue excellence in all things and strive to be the best in whatever we do.



We have life-changing teaching CDs, books and music from the ministry of Apostle Uwem Akpan-Afoawa, General Overseer and Apostle Uwem Akpan-Afoawa is a consummate Pastor, an insightful Teacher and a must-read Author with a divine mandate to equip you to win in every area of your life.



The Beautiful You
The Devil is Not A Factor, You Are The Factor of Your Destiny
  • Tears of The Righteous
  • The Power in You
  • God’s Mirror Image
  • Irreplaceable You

Faith Builders

  • Life Magazine (Monthly Supply)
  • Bible Study
  • Online Bible
  • Special Teachings
  • E-Newsletter

Your Life

  • Spiritual Life
  • Healing
  • Financial Freedom
  • Healthy Living
  • Family
  • Prayer & Worship

Audio Messages

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The devil is not a Factor, You are the Factor!!!!!!

The devil is not a Factor, You are the Factor!!!!!!!!The Devil is Jealous of You!!!!!!!!
The devil wishes he had a chance/second chance like you and me to repent after being thrown out of God’s Kingdom.
But we have Jesus Christ, our second chances, a soul salvation, our deliverer, and our redeemer.
We have so many chances to make heaven that is why the devil is jealous of you. He hates human being with passion. He offers nothing free because he feels before you come to him; you must be very ignorant and stupid for not realizing who you are and your spiritual potentials.
When people are in the world, the devil sends his agents to lock up their spiritual blessings, so that you will in turn search for him on your road to being a man or woman. It’s all tricks. The sad point is when you finally sign up to be with him, he will give you same job and so many disgusting roles to play just to ruin humanity.
Why Not Ask Him? Can’t I Donate The Blood Of Jesus Christ To You?
Some are asked to sleep with 5 to 15 women or men in a day to keep their status in the office or financial gains, these poses future ruin to our young and growing generations, rendering them worthless and empty for future establishments.
Some are asked to sacrifice true love, womb and manhood, while some their husband, some their wives/wives’ wombs, sisters, brothers, children, gay, etc.
Can’t you see the devil hates you and he is jealous of you? He has nothing to offer you, only that what God gave to you is what he is releasing to you because he was the one that block it in the first place, and you are paying dearly for it.
My friends, please reassess your journeys, and re-evaluate your pasts. Not all that glitters are gold. It’s all for the purpose of wealth and fame. You will see some of your friends cannot even help you as they are in their way up because you are not in their world of “wilderness” because their future is unknown and they would wish you feel how they feel being in bondage too.
Why not come to Jesus Christ? He is your Master Key to all locked and block futures. Once you accept Jesus Christ in your life, all locks or blocks will automatically be unlocked/unblocked.
Just worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as you lift up your hands and declare;
Lord Jesus Christ, I accept you as my Lord and Saviour, forgive me of all my sins, safe me and unlock/unblock all blessings of mine as I step into my land of blessings in Jesus name Amen.
I love you and God bless you all in Jesus name we pray Amen.
By Rev. Uwem Akpan


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Apostle Uwem with Orphanages 

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